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Located in the creative hub of the Great Southern and set among beautiful natural surroundings, the Denmark campus provides innovative training to meet the ever-changing needs of its local community.

Highly competent staff with strong teaching skills and broad industry experience deliver practical courses with an emphasis on the creative arts, organic horticulture and individual support (ageing).

South Regional TAFE offers Western Australia’s only horticulture certificate courses run with a focus on organic production. We offer high-quality, client-centred study at our Southern Cross Certified organic training facility, meeting the growing niche for sustainably produced, quality local organic produce. 

Study options include full time, part time and flexible.

The campus offers:

  • Music
  • Horticulture and production horticulture
  • Creative visual arts
  • Individual Support – Ageing
  • Small Business Skill Sets
  • A selection of higher-level qualifications that can assist students to develop skills for the workplace or to gain employment or promotion.

Drop in to the campus to discuss your training needs, application and enrolment with our friendly staff.


Business Hours

8.30am–4.30pm Monday to Thursday | 8.30am–4.00pm Friday


972 South Coast Highway, Denmark, Western Australia  6333

1800 675 781 or direct (08) 6371 3222

Denmark map (826 KB) (PDF document)

Services and Facilities

•    Three creative music classrooms

•    An industry grade recording studio

•    Fully equipped computer labs with internet access.

•    A NASAA (National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia) certified organic, biodynamic horticulture vegetable garden.  

•    Two ceramics kilns as well as a functional art room.

 The South Regional TAFE Library and Information Services manage access to training resources across the region to assist you meet your academic goals.

Library services are available to all current South Regional TAFE students and staff. Although the library’s main collections are based at the Bunbury and Albany campuses, all enrolled students and staff members of South Regional TAFE are eligible to request any of the resources from the online catalogue, regardless of location. You can access the Library Website here.

Email your request to (Bunbury) or (Albany), talk to your lecturer, or phone us on 6371 3174 (Bunbury) or 6371 3888 (Albany) and we’ll help you with your options.

Dignity Dispensers provide free period products to students, visitors and staff who require them

These machines are funded by the WA Government

Denmark: Accessible toilet opposite Room 6


    Certificate III in Visual Arts

    National ID CUA31120 | State ID BGV9

    This qualification will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge to create two and three dimensional forms in a variety of visual art areas. You will learn to visualise, develop and present ideas and images, to discuss the visual arts analytically and appreciatively and to...

    • Bunbury
    • Busselton
    • Margaret River
    • Denmark
    • Collie

    Study Modes
    • Full-Time
    • Part-Time