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Fees and payment options

Fees are unique to your study plan and individual circumstances and are payable for each semester of study.

There are two main types of fees which may be charged:

  • Tuition fees – these are set by the State Government and calculated on the category of enrolment.
  • Resource fees – these cover materials such as workbooks and products purchased by SRTAFE which are required for your course. Resource fees are charges for materials that are considered essential to a course or unit of study and which do not form part of the tuition fee. Resource fees are set at the unit level and the final resource fee charge for a qualification depends on the electives chosen, and will be calculated at enrolment.

In addition to these fees, you may need to purchase textbooks, uniforms and other course specific tools.

We provide fee payment options to suit financial circumstances. Concessional rates are available for eligible students. 

Fees for Apprenticeships and Traineeships are available as a separate schedule.


* Indicative Fee Disclaimers

Fees and charges published on our website are indicative only, and are for the entire course for students enrolling on a full-time basis in 2025. 

  • Fees may differ between courses delivered at different campuses due to the elective units included in the course study plan or adapting courses to meet local industry needs.
  • Fees may also differ for each individual student depending on the units of study selected, prior qualifications and recognition of prior learning.
  • Fees are payable at time of enrolment.
  • Proof of concession must be presented to access concession rates if eligible.
  • For secondary school aged persons not enrolled at school (in 2025, students born on or after 1 July 2007 who are at least 15 years old) the maximum course fee chargeable in 2025 is $420 plus the resource fees and discretionary fees.
  • Concessions and Secondary School Age cap do not apply to commercial courses (such as short courses), or Foundation Programs (ESL, General Education, etc.).
  • Prices quoted include resource fees, but do not include material fees such as the cost of books, uniforms, and students personal equipment.
  • The course fee cap applicable to Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas only applies during the current calendar year, so fees might differ for students enrolling in semester 2.
  • VET Student Loans Eligible Courses and Caps may be subject to changes implemented by the Australian Government.
  • Course information and fees are subject to change without notice.
  • Depending on your circumstances, payment options may include paying fees via instalments or applying for assistance because of financial hardship.

On enrolment, students will be able to take up one of the following payment options:

  1. Pay the full amount of fees and charges.
  2. Employer to confirm authority to invoice by completing Enrolment Fees Invoice Authorisation.
  3. Pay the fee via instalments with a Payment Plan(opens in a new tab) (please read the Direct Debit Terms and Conditions (505 KB) (PDF document)) or declare their intent to defer payment under the Commonwealth Government's VET Student Loan program, subject to eligibility and acceptance by the provider.
  4. Pay part of the full amount of fees and charges and defer payment of the other part under the Commonwealth Government's VET Student Loan program.
  5. Make application on the grounds of severe financial hardship (168 KB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab) or fees and charges to be waived for courses below diploma level or concession-eligible Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses (excluding the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care).

Visit the Department of Training and Workforce Development's web page(opens in a new tab)  for more information on training subsidies and fees.

Payment of fees can be completed by one of the following methods:

  • Cash (Please make any cash payments at your local Campus)
  • Credit or Debit Card (by phone or your local campus)
  • Money Order / Cheque (Must be made out to the South Regional TAFE for either the total fees or deposit)
  • Employer or Sponsor Payment Options - contact us for more details

Eligibility for the concession rate on course fees is determined at the time of
The following students are entitled to the concession rate on course fees;

  • Persons and dependants of persons holding:
    o a Pensioner Concession Card;
    o a Repatriation Health Benefits Card issued by the Department of Veterans’
    Affairs; or
    o a Health Care Card. 
  • Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of services from the following
    Commonwealth support or employment services programs:
    o Workforce Australia; or
    o ParentsNext.
  • Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of AUSTUDY or ABSTUDY.
  • Persons and dependants of persons in receipt of the Youth Allowance.
  • Persons and dependants of persons who are inmates of a custodial institution.
  • Secondary school-aged persons, not enrolled at school.

For the Workforce Australia, or the ParentsNext program, appropriate evidence of
a student’s eligibility for concession is a letter from the Commonwealth services
provider confirming the student’s participation in the program.
If the concession is valid for the full enrolment period, then all eligible units
the student enrols in within that period attract the concession rate. If the
concession is valid for part of the enrolment period, then only eligible units the
student enrols in on or after the start date and prior to the expiry of the
concession attract the concession rate.

Concessions do not apply to diploma or advanced diploma qualifications, or for foundation skills qualifications delivered at South Regional TAFE. A maximum tuition fee of $7,860 is applicable. Resource fees are not included in the annual cap and will need to be paid in addition to the capped Tuition fee.

For secondary school-aged persons not enrolled at school, the maximum course fee chargeable in 2025 is $420. The maximum is the total fee for all courses the student is enrolled in.  Resource fees are still payable and not included in the course fees

The Diploma and Advanced Diploma course fee maximum does not apply to these students.

All international student applications and tuition payments for South Regional TAFE courses should be made through (TIWA), the international arm of the Western Australian Government's Department of Training and Workforce Development.  Payments for course resource fees are made through South Regional TAFE.

Vet Student Loans is a loan program through the Department of Education and Training for approved Diploma and above qualifications, provided students meet eligibility criteria.

Under this scheme, students take out a loan from the Commonwealth to pay course fees. Repayment of the loan is through the taxation system once taxable income exceeds a set level.

Refer to the VET Student Loans page for more information.

Students with a Centrelink Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card could get $500 help with TAFE costs. Join Saver Plus and they will match your savings, dollar for dollar, up to $500.

To find out more, visit the website here (opens in a new tab)