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AHC30620 Certificate III in Production Horticulture

AHC30620 Certificate III in Production Horticulture

National ID AHC30620 State ID BGG0
Plant the seed for a career in production horticulture

This qualification describes the skills and knowledge for job roles in the production horticulture and floriculture industry including field worker, seeding person, operator, irrigation maintainer, machinery maintainer and leading hand.

person in a garden growing vegetables

This course is part of the Lower fees, local skills initiative. From 1 January 2020 through to 31 December 2025 you'll only pay half the course fees, capped at $1,200; or $400 if you're aged 15—24 or eligible for a concession, plus resource fees and other fees that may apply to your course.

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Campus Albany

When All year round

Study Mode Traineeship

This qualification describes the skills and knowledge for job roles in the production horticulture and floriculture industry including field worker, seeding person, operator, irrigation maintainer, machinery maintainer and leading hand.

Individuals with this qualification perform tasks involving a broad range of skills that are applied in a wide variety of contexts, which will involve discretion and judgement in selecting and operating equipment, coordinating resources and applying contingency measures during work.

Important information

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All year round, 2025


When All year round, 2025
Where Albany
How Traineeship - Workplace


Not all units and study modes are offered at all campuses. Please check with your local campus.


National ID Unit title
AHCBIO303 Apply biosecurity measures
AHCWHS301 Contribute to work health and safety processes
AHCWRK306 Comply with industry quality assurance requirements


National ID Unit title
AHCCHM304 Transport and store chemicals
AHCCHM307 Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseases
AHCIRG338 Troubleshoot irrigation systems
AHCIRG346 Operate pressurised irrigation systems
AHCMOM304 Operate machinery and equipment
AHCPCM305 Implement a plant nutrition program
AHCPHT312 Implement a crop regulation program
AHCPHT313 Implement a post-harvest program
AHCPHT315 Establish horticultural crops
AHCPHT317 Coordinate horticultural crop harvesting
AHCPMG301 Control weeds
AHCWRK302 Monitor weather conditions

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