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Governing Council

The Governing Council plays a key role as South Regional TAFE's governing body to oversee operations and drive strategic direction. The Governing Council is responsible for ensuring that clear management, effective decision making and governance frameworks are in place and functioning.

The Governing Council consists of a Chair person, Deputy Chair person, the Managing Director and between 6-10 other members. Governing Council members are appointed by the Minister Assisting the Minister for Training and Workforce Development. Each council member is selected for their experience in education and training, industry or community affairs. Members are appointed for a term of up to 3 years and at the end of their term are eligible to apply for re-appointment.

Chair Susan Barrera

Susan is an experienced senior manager with broad experience on boards and governing councils.
During her 30 year career in the State public sector, Susan held several Senior Executive Service positions.
As a consultant, Susan specialises in change management, strategic planning, organisational design, leadership training and building resilient corporate cultures.


Deputy Chair Dr Wendy Giles

Wendy has a wide range of experience at all levels of education, from primary
schools to universities. Her research resulted in many publications and conference presentations, both within Australia and internationally. Wendy has mentored many people, including new staff members, students, and aspirational members of remote communities.


Nadine Carter

With 20 years of corporate experience and independent consultancy, Nadine
has a proven track record in corporate governance, strategy development, risk
management, strategic human resource management, organisational development, cultural change, and executive leadership. Nadine is a Fellow and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).


Noelle Jones

Noelle retired after a long term career with the Australian Medical Association
(WA) and joined the Governing Council in 2021 with a wealth of experience on
various boards and advisory groups. Noelle has a keen interest in training and was responsible for various vocational education and training sector initiatives during her time with the AMA.


Mike Ansell

Mike is a retired partner of the accounting firm RSM. Through his 41 years of working with businesses and organisations, he brings a wide range of skills and knowledge to the areas of finance and management and the ability to evolve and adapt to an ever changing environment.

Garry Green

Garry works for Iluka Resources as the South West Operations Manager and brings with him vast experience and knowledge of the Mining and Power Industries, including a strong safety and sustainability focus. He is a keen industry advocate and strives to see continuous improvement throughout the industry, particularly developing skills and education for future careers.

Cobie Rudd

Professor Rudd is an experienced academic currently Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Regional Futures) at Edith Cowan University (ECU) which has ECU South West and a series of learning hubs in her portfolio.

She is an Australian Government National Teaching Fellow and has served two full terms on the State Training Board, and as a Non-Executive Director on a further additional 12 boards of governance including for international agencies.

Dr Leah Irving

Leah is an accomplished education professional with operational and strategic experience in education and training spanning more than 30 years.

Her career focused on new and emerging technologies to support learning design, teaching innovation and strategic curriculum design particularly for online learning environments. 

Blair Marsh

Blair is an ex-officio member of the Governing Council by virtue of his position as Managing Director of South Regional TAFE.